Thursday, December 23, 2010

Aptech launches 'English Express'

Aptech launches 'English Express'

Aptech Limited announced the launch of a new brand - English Express, an English Learning Academy.
New Delhi, Delhi, Aptech Limited, the global learning solutions major, today announced the launch of a new brand - English Express, an English Learning Academy. The academy offers courses for all levels - from beginner to advanced, through their spacious & well-equipped facilities and the country’s finest ’Digital Language Lab‘ to enable an effective blended learning delivery methodology.

Currently, the academy has four centres in Bangalore. Aptech plans to open about 70 English Express centres across the country over the next 1 year.

The academy has collaborated with Cambridge University Press for English Language Teaching (ELT) to provide authorized course material and also with University of Cambridge for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), to be the authorized partners for conducting certification courses. The courses range from General English, Spoken English, Business Communication Skills, preparation for TOEFL & IELTS, English for Professionals, Corporate training and Teachers’ training.

Speaking on the initiative, Mr. Ninad Karpe, CEO & MD, Aptech Limited, said, “According to experts, the market for English training is expected to be approximately US$1.4 bn a year. With English Express, we have entered this segment to address the huge Indian market for improving English proficiency.”
“We have partnered with global names like University of Cambridge to provide us with course material, hence ensuring that our students have access to world class training & course material.” he added

 The academy will have state of the art facilities with excellent infrastructure, Glottophone’s digital language lab and internationally trained teachers. There is also a special library to provide studying resources like journals, books, videos, CDs and online material.

Aptech is a well diversified Learning Solutions company with two main streams of businesses – Individual training and Corporate Learning Services.

Under Individual Training, Aptech offers career and professional training in IT (Aptech Computer Education), Animation & Multimedia (Arena Animation); Certified Hardware & Networking Training (N-Power) and Aviation, Hospitality, Travel & TourismTraining (Avalon Academy). English Express will be its 5th power brand addressing the Individual training segment.

Aptech’s Corporate Learning Services includes Content Development (Aptech Learning Services); Training Solutions for Corporates & Institutions (Aptech Training Solutions) andAssessment Solutions for Corporates & Institutions(ATTEST).
About English Express:
English Express is the English language training arm of Aptech Limited. The institute caters to all segments for English Language training & has a wide array of courses for adult & young learners & for the corporates. English Express also offers IELTS & TOEFL test preparation along with specialized training in Business English, Accent Training and Spoken English. Each of its courses has a clear learning aim, with highly trained & proficient faculty working to ensure that these aims are met.

For further information, visit

About Aptech Limited: Aptech is an ISO 9001:2000 organization and was the first IT training and education organization in Asia to receive the ISO 9001 quality certification for Education Support Services in 1993. Aptech Limited, which features amongst’s Top 20 Global Training Outsourcing Service Provider (OSP) Companies, has trained over 5 million students – globally, who are presently pursuing high flying careers in the field of Information Technology.
For further information, visit

सफलता की मँजिलेँ

आज की गतिशील दुनिया मेँ मनुष्य भी मशीनोँ की तरह भाग रहा है । सफलता की मँजिलेँ पकड़ने के लिए हर व्यक्ति भाग रहा है ,हर व्यक्ति गतिशील है ।गति अच्छी होती रही है , किन्तु उसे उर्जा चाहिए होती है । गति मेँ जितना तीव्रता आती है या लाना चाहते हैँ ...तो उर्जा भी उसी अनुआआआत से चाहिए होती है ।यदि यह उर्जा नहीँ मिलती तो बिना पेट्रोल की गाड़ी की तरह हमारा शरीर भी रूक जाता हैँ ।

इस धरा के धरातल से,

उस नभ के नभमंडल तक,

गगन में फैले तारो से,

फिज़ा में फैली बहारो तक,

गीता के संदेशो से,

कुरान के वर्णन तक,

अयोध्या में राम से,

मथुरा में घनश्याम तक,

तुम ही तुम हो बाबा,

मेरे साईं तुम ही तुम हो,

भिरनी के बेरों से,

मीरा के त्याग तक,

राधा के प्रेम से,

रुकमणि के श्रंगार तक,

जग के चरा-चर से,

प्रथ्वी की हल-चल तक,

कैलाश पर्वत से,

गंगा की कल-कल तक,

तुम ही तुम हो बाबा,

मेरे साईं तुम ही तुम हो,

अमरनाथ की कंदार से ,

गौतम की भूमि तक,

मस्जिद की अजान से,

गुरुग्रंथ की वाणी तक ,

दशो दिशाओं से,

समस्त कोणों तक,

हवा के वेग से,

सूर्य के तेज तक,

तुम ही तुम हो बाबा,

मेरे साईं तुम ही तुम हो,

चाँद की शीतलता से,

नक्षत्रो के मेल तक,

माँ की ममता से,

जीवन के अंत तक,

मनुष्य के मनं से,

संसार के अन्तकरण तक,

"मानव" की उत्पत्ति से,

"मानव" की जिज्ञासाओं तक,

तुम ही तुम हो बाबा,

मेरे साईं तुम ही तुम हो

सिर्फ तुम हो सिर्फ तुम हो,

मेरे साईं मेरे राम मेरे कान्हा तुम हो,

तुम ही तुम हो बाबा,

मेरे साईं तुम ही तुम हो......See More

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

गोली मारकर दो भाइयों की हत्या

नई दिल्ली। मटियाला विधानसभा क्षेत्र के गांव छावला में दो भाइयों की सोमवार देर रात गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गई। इसके विरोध में पपरावट गांव के ग्रामीणों ने मंगलवार सुबह छावला बस स्टैंड पहुंचकर पुलिस के खिलाफ जमकर नारेबाजी की और नजफगढ़-पपरावट मुख्य मार्ग को जाम कर दिया। देखते ही देखते दोनों तरफ कई किलोमीटर तक वाहनों की भीड़ लग गई। सूचना मिलने पर एसीपी नजफगढ़ व एसीपी द्वारका के नेतृत्व में भारी पुलिस बल मौके पर पहुंच गया। गुस्साए लोग इस बात पर अड़े रहे कि जब तक हत्यारों को पुलिस गिरफ्तार नहीं कर लेती तब तक शवों का दाह संस्कार नहीं किया जाएगा। आखिरकार आरोपियों की शीघ्र गिरफ्तारी के आश्वासन के बाद लोगों ने जाम खोल दिया।
जानकारी के अनुसार मायापुरी में पीतल व्यवसायी सुरेश (49) और उसके भाई सतेन्द्र (36) की सोमवार रात लगभग 12 बजे छावला गांव में उस समय हत्या कर दी गई जब वे कार में सवार होकर पपरावट गांव स्थित अपने घर जा रहे थे। इस दौरान उनके साथ दिल्ली ट्रैफिक पुलिस का ही एक कर्मचारी भी मौजूद था। जब कार छावला गांव के पास पहुंची तो मोटरसाइकिल पर आए दो बदमाशों ने कार के बराबर में आकर कार को रोकने का इशारा किया।
कार जैसे ही रुकी मोटरसाइकिल सवार दोनों बदमाशों ने दोनों भाइयों पर अंधाधुंध गोली चला दी। सूचना मिलने पर पुलिस ने मौके पर पहुंच कर दोनों घायलों को माता चानन देवी अस्पताल में पहुंचाया, जहां दोनों को मृत घोषित कर दिया गया। पुलिस ने कार से ढाई लाख रुपए भी बरामद किए हैं। पुलिस का मानना है कि रंजिश के चलते हत्या की गई है।
इस वारदात के बाद गांव पपरावट गांव में सनसनी फैल गई और लोगों में गुस्सा फूट पड़ा। मंगलवार अल सुबह ही गांव के मंदिर में परिवार के लोग और ग्रामीण एकत्रित हुए, जिसमें फैसला लिया गया कि जब तक आरोपियों को पुलिस पकड़ नहीं लेती तब तक शवों का दाह संस्कार नहीं किया जाएगा। पंचायत में बैठे सैकड़ों महिला और पुरुष विरोध प्रदर्शन करते हुए सुबह ग्यारह बजे छावला बस स्टैंड के पास पहुंचे और पुलिस के खिलाफ नारेबाजी करते हुए मुख्य मार्ग पर बैठ गए। इसके चलते नजफगढ़-पपरावट रोड पर लम्बा जाम लग गया। इस विरोध प्रदर्शन में नजफगढ़ के विधायक भरत सिंह भी पहुंचे और लोगों के स्वर में स्वर मिलाते हुए आरोपियों को जल्दी से जल्दी पकड़ने की मांग पुलिस अधिकारियों के सामने दोहराई। तीन एसीपी, आसपास के थानों के छह एसएचओ सहित भारी पुलिस बल भी मौके पर जाम खुलवाने के लिए पहुंच गया।
पुलिस की छह टीमों ने की दर्जनों स्थानों पर छापेमारी
दोनों भाइयों की हत्या के आरोपियों को दो दिन में ही पकड़ लेने का पुलिस ने दावा किया है। सूत्रों के अनुसार यह दावा पुलिस ने कुछ ठोस सुराग हाथ लगने पर किया है। सुराग के आधार पर पुलिस ने छह टीमें गठित कर विभिन्न स्थानों पर छापेमारी शुरू कर दी है। मंगलवार को भी दिल्ली सहित एनसीआर के लगभग दर्जन भर स्थानों पर आरोपियों की तलाश में छापेमारी की गई। एक पुलिस अधिकारी ने बताया कि पुलिस हत्यारों के नजदीक है और उन्हें कभी भी गिरफ्तार किया जा सकता है।

Two brothers shot dead; locals protest, block Najafgarh Road

Two brothers were shot dead by unknown persons in Southwest Delhi’s Chhawla area as they were returning home on Monday night.
The police suspect a property dispute to be the motive behind the murders.
Following the incident, the residents of the village and relatives of the victims protested outside the Chhawla police station and blocked the Najafgarh Road for hours. The victims had a shop in Mayapuri, where they sold copper.

The incident happened around 9.45 pm on Monday when the brothers, identified as Suresh (49) and Satender (32), along with their friend Vijender, a Delhi Traffic Police constable posted in Mayapuri, were returning to their home in Paprawat Village in Chhawla in their WagonR car. The police said two men on a bike, armed with pistols, intercepted the car and asked Vijender to leave the spot, saying they had nothing against him. As soon as Vijender left, the assailants opened fire at the brothers and fled. Suresh was shot in the head, while Satender suffered a bullet injury in his chest.
Vijender, meanwhile, rushed to his village and informed the victims’ family, who made a PCR call. A police team reached the spot and rushed the two to Chanan Devi Hospital, where the doctors declared them brought dead.
On Tuesday, the villagers shouted slogans against the Delhi Police and demanded immediate arrest of the assailants. “The locals surrounded the Chhawla police station and then blocked the road, shouting slogans. The local MLA Bharat Singh also joined them,” said a senior police officer. The protesters also blocked the main Najafgarh-Paprawat Road from 10 am and 2.30 pm.

Senior police officers had to go to the spot and assure that action would be taken soon, after which the protesters dispersed.

Goverment nod to flexible nursery schedule

NEW DELHI: To save parents from the hassle of running around too much, Delhi government issued a uniform schedule for nursery admissions on Tuesday. But it also gave schools the freedom to deviate from it. The circular released by the directorate of education (DoE) makes it mandatory for private unaided schools to start their admission process from January 1 and wrap it up on March 31, though schools can have their own schedule due to 'specific circumstances' . Many schools, however, say they are happy to comply.

According to DoE, no deviation will be allowed from the date of commencement and closure of the process. The forms will be available for registration from January 1, while the last date of receipt of forms, as per DoE, will be January 15. In case of a change, the schools will have to inform DoE about by December 31.

"Since DoE has issued a schedule for all schools to follow, we will stick to it and start issuing the forms online from January 1. I don't think we will need to deviate from the given dates," said L V Sehgal, principal, Bal Bharati School, Ganga Ram Hospital Marg. The school plans to admit children on parameters that will include neighbourhood, sibling, alumni, special needs, first child and girl child.

Ameeta Mulla Wattal, principal, Springdales School, agreed. Though the school was planning to start the sale of forms from January 3, as the first day of the year is generally a holiday in schools and January 2 is a Sunday, it will now follow the DoE schedule to the T. "Since government considered our suggestions for the admission criteria and gave us autonomy , we will also comply by the schedule released by it. We will now release the forms from January 1 too," Wattal said.

Meanwhile, schools are busy holding meetings of the management committee to fix the dates, decide the parameters and finalize the fee structures. D K Bedi, principal , Apeejay School, Pitampura, said, "It will be a week before we decide on the complete schedule. We also have to prepare format for submission of forms through website. We are likely to give weightage to candidates with special needs as well as girls." DPS Mathura Road principal M I Hussain informed, "Our forms will be out on January 1. The admission parameters will include points for distance, sibling, alumni, girl child/first child, special needs, single parent and transfer case."

DoE Schedule

Start of sale of forms: January 1
Last date for receipt of forms: January 15.
Closure of admission process is March 31
Last date of publication of list of selected candidates (including waiting list): February 1
Last date of publication of second list of selected candidates (of any): February 28

Nursery admission criterion challenged in Delhi High Court

20.12.2010 (UNI) A Civil Rights Group has moved the Delhi High court against the recent guidelines issued by the government for admission of children in nursery class in private-aided and un-aided schools.

Appearing on behalf of the parents and Social Jurist, lawyer Ashok Agrawal contended that the guidelines issued by Delhi government on December 15 and by Union HRD ministry on November 11 were contrary to the Right to Education Act and, therefore, violated the fundamental rights of a child.

The PIL petitioner said Delhi government's guidelines give a free hand to the unaided and private schools to formulate their own nursery admission criteria.

He further said the guidelines are contrary to the RTE Act and would lead to further commercialisation of education at the cost of hapless parents and students. Similar guidelines issued by the HRD ministry on November 11.

'Such kind of discrimination as suggested by the government is not acceptable to us as it defeats the very purpose of the Right to Education Act initiated by the government itself,' the petition said.

The government cannot violate its own provisions and formulate another set of rules to favour some persons for commercial benefits, Mr Agrawal added.

The PIL will come up for hearing on Wednesday.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

public interest petition filed in Delhi High Court to challenge nursery admission policy

New Delhi: Less than a week after the Delhi government nursery admissions policy, a public interest petition filed in Delhi High Court declared the same challenge.

PIL, later this week expected to come to the hearing, an NGO registered with the social law, education law, alleging breach of a broader government policy and calls for cancellation. Incidentally, the same law NGO pre-registration of children to mission schools conduct interviews that led to the ban.

PIL, the court applied strict adherence to the RTE Act apply to "private schools a free hand to prepare the acceptance criteria" operation command, whether the country violated the law, unlike the government blames.

Political authorities made public on December 15. petitioner's counsel Ashok Agarwal, PIL tells her that in September 2006, the Chairman CBSE Ashok Ganguly court, under the chairmanship of all aspects of issues related to entering the nursery to go to a committee composed of experts. This is a common admission procedure to prepare three basic principles included - transparency, elimination of the interview and reduce the discretion of management - who accused the public interest litigation are reflected in government policy and therefore may rejected. Another allegation is that the policy of the country under the laws do not specify it was released and so thin on the ground stands. Guidelines on the cost of the helpless parents will lead to further commercialization of education, "says public interest litigation, seeking relief.

Over 10,000 violations of Right to Education in Delhi

Just nine months after the Right to Education (RTE) Act was implemented in India, promising free and compulsory education to all children in the age group of 6-14, over 10,000 cases of violation have been registered by a child rights body in the capital.

Some children were denied admission to school, some were subjected to corporal punishment by the school authorities and yet others were denied the benefit of the economically weaker section (EWS) quota for poorer students in Delhi schools.

According to Amod Kanth, chairman of the Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR), the body has registered 10,500 cases of RTE Act violation since its implementation.

'As per the RTE Act, the DCPCR monitors its implementation in Delhi. We have registered cases which involve violations of at least 15 kinds, like screening tests before admissions, corporal punishment, admission denial, mental harassment and others,' Kanth told IANS in an interview.

'Initially, we had taken suo motu cognisance of media reports, but gradually parents started approaching us and now it seems like the floodgates have opened. Wherever required, we approach the school authority concerned and the compliance level is as high as 95 percent,' he added.
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act was enforced April 1, 2010. The Act promises free and compulsory education to all children in the age group of 6-14.
Among others, it says no child shall be denied admission for lack of documents or if the admission cycle in the school is over. Disabled students should also be enrolled in mainstream schools.

The violations registered by DCPCR have been on the same lines.

In one case, 10 girls living in Delhi's Azadpur area were denied admission to a school in Classes 6 to 8 because they could not provide school leaving certificates. The girls were tutored at home.

'The commission intervened and issued a notice to the school principal after which the girls were admitted to the Government Girls Senior Secondary School, Azadpur,' a DCPCR document revealed.

In another case, a physically handicapped father approached the commission after his daughter was denied admission under the EWS quota in a public school at Shalimar Bagh, northwest Delhi. In yet another instance, a Class 5 child was asked to take admission elsewhere on complaint of his 'poor hygiene' and behaviour, prompting his parents to approach the commission.

In the EWS quota case, a notice was issued to the school after which the girl was given admission under the quota, while in the other case the child was taken back to the school after counselling.

The main reason for these violations, Kanth said, is lack of awareness among teachers, school authorities and parents alike.

'For this reason, we have been conducting awareness programmes for teachers and others on the RTE Act. Teachers and schools have to realise that nearly half a million children in Delhi alone are out of school and most of them are homeless, working children. Across the country the number is nearly 60 million,' Kanth told IANS.

'They have to also understand that it's their responsibility to bring those children who are unreachable to schools. The role of voluntary organisations is important in this, but it is not mentioned in the RTE Act,' he added.

The DCPCR issued notice to the Delhi government Friday on the nursery admission guidelines that it says are against the provisions of the RTE Act.

Other than the random selection criteria for 25 percent seats in the EWS category, the notice said for the rest of the 75 percent the guidelines violated the RTE Act since schools would be able to formulate their own admission policy.

'The schools will be free to base their criteria like sibling, alumni, single parent, transfer case or neighbourhood. Multiple criteria would create preferences for certain types of categories of children over the other category of children which would be a clear violation of provisions of the RTE Act,' a DCPCR statement said.

Kanth added: 'The DCPCR is like a legal body. We are not toothless and our aim is not to act like an NGO. We act like a civil court.'

Ashok Agarwal Social Jurist Files PIL Against Nursery Admissions Guidelines in High Court

Monday, December 20, 2010


सफलता Success

सफलता Success

एकाग्र रहने वाला सदा सफलता का वरण करता है। - अत्रि मुनि

Concentration always wins success. - Sage Atri
Failure is an event never a person.

कोई भी काम एक दिन में नहीं सफल होता। काम एक पेड़ की तरह होता है। पहले उसकी आत्मा में एक बीज बोया जाता है, हिम्मत की खाद से उसे पोषित किया जाता है और मेहनत के पानी से उसे सींचा जाता है, तब जाकर सालों बाद वह फल देने के लायक होता है। -स्टीवन स्पीलबर्ग

सफलता के लिए इन्तजार करना आना चाहिए। पौधे से फल की इच्छा रखना मूर्खता से अधिक कुछ भी नही है। -स्टीवन स्पीलबर्ग
असफलता सफलता प्राप्त करने का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है।

अपने मस्तिष्क को अपना रास्ता स्वयं खोजने की शक्ति दीजिये।

मेहनत कीजिये लेकिन बिना योजना के नहीं। एक-एक कदम उठाइए। जब एक कदम उठा चुके हों तब तैयारी करें।
आकांक्षा क्षणिक नहीं होती, न ही उन्मादी होती है।
आवेग कहता है,- रुको मत, चलते रहो। ढ्लो मत, निखरते रहो।

हर सुबह मैं अपनी आँखे खोलता हूँ उस भविष्य को सँवारने के लिए जो मेरे लिए खास है। हर रात मैं अपनी आँखे बंद कर लेता हूँ और देखता हूँ कि मेरा लक्ष्य थोड़ा और मेरे पास है।
प्रयासरत रहिये - keep jumping

सुख संजोइए - harbour happiness
सफल लोग अपने मस्तिष्क को इस तरह का बना लेते हैं कि उन्हें हर चीज सकारात्मक व खूबसूरत लगती है।

असल में सफल लोग अपने निरंतर विश्वास से जीतते हैं लेकिन वे असफलताओं का मुकाबला भी उसी विश्वास से करते हैं।
सफलता के लिए विश्वास पैदा कीजिये। असफल होने पर भी उस विश्वास को कायम रखिये।
सफलता सार्वजनिक उत्सव है, जबकि असफलता व्यक्तिगत शोक।

-थामस जेफरसन
सफल व्यक्ति सकारात्मक ढंग से प्रशंसा करते हैं और हँसी मजाक पर बुरा नहीं मानते। वे उत्साह फैलाते हैं। उनकी सकारात्मकता चारो तरफ़ फैलती है और उसकी खुशबु हर जगह बिखरती रहती है।

सफल लोग सबकी परवाह करते हैं। उनका यह लिहाज भी उन्हें दूसरों से अलग बनाता है।
प्रयासों को प्रोत्साहित कीजिये।

तुम मुझे प्रोत्साहित करो, में तुम्हें कभी नहीं भूलूंगा। - विलियम आर्थर बार्ड

अपनी सृजनात्मकता को तराशते रहिये।

Hone your creativity.
बदलती मनः स्थिति ही एक स्वस्थ व रचनाशील व्यक्तित्त्व की निशानी है।

नकल नहीं, सृजन करिए।

Never immitate, always create.

प्रयास करें अपनी आत्मा के छिद्रों को पहचान कर उन्हें सिलने का।

सोचें और लिखें :

मेरी विशेषताएँ

बदलाव की आवश्यकता

मैं कैसे बदलाव करना चाहता हूँ।

हम जो भी हैं, जो कुछ भी करते हैं, वह तभी होता है जब हम उसे वास्तव में करना चाहते हैं। -पाओले कोएले

जहाज समंदर के किनारे सर्वाधिक सुरक्षित रहता है। मगर क्या आप नहीं जानते कि उसे किनारे के लिए नहीं, बल्कि समंदर के बीच में जाने के लिए बनाया गया है ?
A successful person is one who lays a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him/her. -David Brinkley

Natkhat Play School opens Admission for Pre-Nursery / Play Group for 2011-2012

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Despite new guidelines, nursery admissions may be chaotic!

Fresh guidelines may have put an end to the anxiety surrounding nursery admissions in the capital, but experts believe the process is going to be chaotic this year as everything has been left to schools to decide.

They also claim the guidelines issued recently by the Directorate of Education (DoE), Delhi, are "irrational, unjust and violative" of the Right to Education (RTE) Act and may lead to a situation that prevailed some five years ago when there was no regulation on the admission process.

As the guidelines have left everything to the schools to decide, there is much possibility that confusion and chaos will prevail, said former CBSE chairman Ashok Ganguly, who had formulated the 100-point system for nursery admissions three years ago.

"The admission process has to be transparent, hassle-free and very objective also. There should have been a clearcut framework given to schools," Ganguly told PTI.

"And, there should be certain aspect of uniformity. It should not be like that some schools have a different format, while others have some other type of format.

"There may have their own parametres, own criteria but there needs to be certain framework which should be uniform," he said.

According to the guidelines, every school needs to keep aside 25 per cent of their seats for children belonging to the economically weaker section (EWS). The selection in this category has to be done through a lottery system.

While for the rest 75 per cent seats, open for children from the general category, schools can either adopt a lottery system or continue with the 100-point system, which is being followed for past three years.

This may include points for having one's sibling in the same school, being the child of a single parent or the alumnus of the same school or transfer cases among others criteria.

But, experts feel this leverage given to schools could lead to manipulation and confusion. And the categorisation allowed for the 75 per cent of the seats is a clear violation of the RTE Act, they say.

"The RTE Act clearly says that you cannot differentiate between two children on any ground. By giving points on grounds like alumni, sibling or say transfer case, you are violating the law," said Ashok Agarwal of NGO Social Jurist, which is planning to file a PIL against it on Monday.

"I believe that the guidelines are issued without the authority and sanctity of law. It is more or less an advisory note and not a statutory guidelines. It has no binding on any one and has no legal consequences," says Agarwal, who is also the president of All India Parents Association (AIPA).Sumit Vohra, who runs admissionsnursery.Com, an onlineparents' forum, pointed out that the introduction of the alumni category amounts to profiling of parents which is strictly prohibited under the RTE Act.

"On one hand you are banning screening and profiling, on the other hand you are allowing schools to do so by giving points to alumni," Vohra said.

Agarwal also concurred the view and said keeping alumni as a category indirectly leads to profiling and is a violation of the RTE Act.

However, Ganguly didn't agree on this. He said: "Like distance, or neighbourhood, alumni is also a very important aspect of education system. If you are an alumni, you have every right to have some weightage.

"But, the points given to this category should be made public in advance."

Ganguly was the man behind the 100-point system which has been followed by Delhi schools for the past three years. He headed a committee set up by the Delhi High Court to streamline the nursery admissions in the capital.

On the issue of girl child, experts also have some objection. "Suppose, I have a single boy child who neither falls in the category of sibling nor alumni. How will he get admission? Is it a crime to have a boy?" asks Vohra.

Similarly, in the case of 25 per cent reservation some feel that top schools, which on average charge a student over Rs 1 lakh per annum, will try to manipulate the whole idea of providing free education to EWS children.

"Once you get selected in any high-end school, you will remain there till you complete your entire schooling. So, even a poor parent would like to pay some bribe to the school to get a berth for his ward," says Parth Shah, head of Centre for Civil Society, a think-tank that works in this sector.

Increased vigilance and transparency should be the key if the Government wants to avoid such manipulation, Shah added.

The experts also rued over the fact that the guidelines don't speak specifically on neighbourhood, a key aspect of RTE Act, and advocated that it should be made mandatory for all schools across the city.

"There should be a clear cut system so that a parent should know before hand that his child will get admission or not on the basis of given criteria," said Ganguly, who also suggested for a lottery system in the general category for shortlisting a few hundred from thousands of applicants.

"There is a great gap between the demand and supply, the number of schools are very less compared to the applicants. So, by a lottery system, schools can shortlist a few hundred and then apply some criteria, such as distance and alumni, to make the final selection," he added.
(Source : PTI, New Delhi - 19th december, 2010)

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